My husband's grown-up son came to visit us on his 30th birthday. His birthday happened to fall on Ekadasi, so an ekadasi cake it had to be. I used my banana-buckwheat-batter which gives a nice moist cake layer and used buttercream icing. I usually use cream cheese icing for my ekadasi cake and I have to say it goes better with it than buttercream icing. The only problem is that cream cheese icing is too soft and runny for decorating purposes. Even though it tasted good I will definitely experiment some more with ekadasi cakes. Plus I have to figure out how to make some "guy colors" with natural food coloring. This one was supposed to be blue and red but no matter how much of "blue" and "red" I used, it still only became dark purple and dark pink. Maybe those colors are impossible to achieve with natural colors...
compliments for your blog and recipe... but why don´t you write also how to make them?
I would love to prepare those austrian cookies!!!
I´m italian with a german husband... so i´m triying to learn as much as possible the german "konditorei"...
forgot... it´s months my husband is lamenting i cannot make a proprer german bread (sourdough)...
can you post the exact recipe?
May I suggest experimenting with agar (also known as agar-agar)? It's a seaweed-based gelatin-like powder, and you could dissolve a little in hot water or milk and add it to your cream cheese frosting. Unlike gelatin, agar stays solid at room temperature.
p.s. Agar is available at Asian grocery stores.
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